Monday, November 23, 2009

On blogging while actually needing to go to bed

I think I have written about how I’ve had problems getting up in the morning lately. I don’t think I have mentioned why.

Today I woke up, as always, when my alarm went off. The problem, as always, is that I don’t get out of bed when it rings. Actually, it doesn’t ring (and that’s a part of the problem too). It lights up (minutes before it rings, or in this case, doesn’t ring) to ensure a pleasant awakening, and then the radio starts. The thing is – this is too pleasant. This morning I listened to one and a half hour of news on the radio before getting out of bed. Normally, I need about seven hours of sleep. Give me more, and I’m deadbeat. Give me less, and it’ll work for a while, but if I have less than six hours for more than a week or so, I’m equally deadbeat. I am sure you all enjoyed immensely that description of my sleep pattern…

The thing, though, is that it is difficult to have the right amount of sleep, with the cozy alarm and coming home late at night. Whenever I work till closing (which is most of the time), I’m not home until ten p.m. Then I am starved, since we don’t have a lunch break for the shorter shifts, and I have to make dinner. By the time I have eaten, and sat down and pondered writing a blog, it’s midnight. Consequently, for me to sleep about seven hours, I need to sleep until seven a.m. (assuming I go to bed directly. But do I? No, because there are dishes to consider doing, teeth to be brushed and giraffes to be drawn for All of a sudden, it’s 1 a.m., which means I have to sleep until 8 a.m. for my seven hours beauty sleep to work properly. But then the comfy clock tricks me into listening to the same news stories over and over again, until they sneak into my dreams – this morning I had a disturbing dream about a Russian sauna… Don’t ask… And when I finally do get up, I still need to shower, dress, eat, pack my bag, do the dishes I only considered doing the previous night, and slowly, slowly, a rhythm is forming. Tomorrow, I will not let the comfy clock fool me. And the dishes..? Ah… I guess I’ll consider doing them now…

Here’s the giraffe (actually, that is last night’s giraffe):


Hart Johnson said...

Urgh! You need a crabby husband. That will get you to bed on time... erm... except when he's EXTRA crabby; then you'll stay up to avoid him... but if you're only just worried that staying up will make him a little more crabby than normal, then you go to bed at a reasonable hour...

M.J. Nicholls said...

My butler gets me out of bed. He lives in my wardrobe and I feed him bananas and cheese for sustenance.

I love the new artwork, by the way. It's post-apocalyptically cuddly.

Cruella Collett said...

Tami - I might have to order one of those some day. Especially if he also comes with an alarm clock without a snooze function...

Mark - yay for someone noticing my new header! I'm very pleased with it. I'm going for small and slow changed design wise in this blog... Mostly because I'm challenged when it comes to the technical stuff... So I can only do it in baby steps...
(It was supposed to be a sunset rather than the apocalypse, though...)

*wants a butler*

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